Last updated January 2025

Dark Green Fritillary (Speyeria aglaja) at Bothwell Water in the Scottish-Borders. Photo by Ron McBeath.
Dark Green Fritillary (Speyeria aglaja) at Bothwell Water in the Scottish Borders. Photo by Ron McBeath.

If you have an interest in recording wildlife then we would love to hear from you. We can offer advice and support, access to training to help with managing data and providing data to TWIC. If you would like maps or species data to help you with your recording work, please submit a data request. Requests for non-commercial work are free of charge.

We organise annual survey work at a number of sites and are always looking for more recorders to help us. See our excursions to see reports of recent meetings and find out about upcoming events. You can also get involved by submitting your sightings to our wildlife surveys.

Our region

Hover your mouse over a Local Authority in the map to learn how many records are available for the highlighted area. You can also search for a town to see if it falls within our boundary.

Upcoming events

Cemetery Wildlife Watch – Per Smiseth

Sunday 16 February - 12:00 pm
Newington Cemetery
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Bookings Now Open for TWIC Autumn Conference 2024!