TWIC can supply species, habitats and designated sites information for SE/central Scotland from our extensive data holdings.

If you require data from another area in Scotland or the UK, please check ALERC’s LERC Finder for the relevant LERC contact.

We offer the following data and formats. If you require something else, please get in touch and we will endeavour to accommodate your request.

Species data

Available as Excel spreadsheets, PDF reports, GIS shapefiles and/or Google Earth KML files

Habitat data

Available as PDF/JPEG maps, GIS shapefiles and/or Google Earth KML files

  • Phase 1 Habitats (for Lothians, Scottish Borders, Clackmannanshire and Stirling)
  • Phase 1 Target Notes (for Lothians only)
  • Ancient Woodland Inventory
  • Ancient Tree Inventory
  • National Vegetation Classification (NVC)
  • Habitat Map of Scotland (HabMoS)
  • CSGN Integrated Habitat Networks (IHN)
  • Native Woodland Survey of Scotland (for Woodland Screening requests only)
Designated sites

Available as PDF/JPEG maps, GIS shapefiles and/or Google Earth KML files

  • Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI)
  • Special Protection Areas (SPA)
  • Special Areas of Conservation (SAC)
  • RAMSAR Internationally Important Wetlands
  • National Nature Reserves (NNR)
  • Local Nature Reserves (LNR)
  • Local Biodiversity Sites/Local Nature Conservation Sites (LBS/LNCS, excluding Falkirk)
  • SWT Local Wildlife Sites (for Scottish Borders, East Lothian, Falkirk, Clackmannanshire and Stirling)
Species distribution maps

Available as PDF/JPEG maps.

Maps showing where target species or taxon groups have been recorded (presence) or how frequently they have been recorded (abundance) in an area of interest in each 10km, 2km or 1km square. 2km-square resolution (especially for bird species) is the recommended choice.

Woodland Screening Report

Available as a PDF report.

Comprehensive report listing all potential biodiversity constraints (or opportunities) from a planting proposal for the site and buffer area. Available as part of a Woodland Screening request.

Habitat Species Indicator Report

Available as a PDF report.

Used as an aid to flag potential habitats on site that may be affected by a woodland creation proposal. The habitats with indicator lists are Basic Flush, Calcareous Grassland, Unimproved Waxcap Grassland, Heathland and Sphagnum Bog. This report is available as part of a Woodland Screening request.

We charge an administrative fee for commercial data requests to cover our time in processing the request and to contribute to our data management and collation work. Non-commercial requests are not charged.

For guidance on the definitions of “Commercial” vs “Non-Commercial” use, please check the NBN Guidance on the Definition of Non-Commercial Use. If you are uncertain as to whether your request qualifies as commercial/ non-commercial please contact us.

Badger (Meles meles) © Chris Sydes

Commercial – Ecological Consultants

We supply data to environmental consultants for preparing ecology reports in support of planning applications. A desk-top search is regarded as best practice by Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM).

Commercial – Forestry Agents

We supply data to forestry agents and applicants to support woodland grant applications. Ecological data should be requested at the pre-application stage to inform a desktop search for a woodland planting scheme.

For guidance and more information see TWIC’s Woodland Screening Guidance.

Dalkeith Country Park. Photo by Natalie Harmsworth.
Comma butterfly on leaf. Photo courtesy of Natalie Harmsworth.

Non-Commerical – Students/ Recorders/ Public

We supply data FREE of charge to users to inform scientific research, students’ coursework, wildlife recording and general interest. The standard turnaround time for non-commercial requests is 10 working days. Please contact us if you require data sooner and we will try to accommodate this.

Please note that we do not provide full resolution data for sensitive species as part of non-commercial requests. Location information including grid references are blurred according to NatureScot’s Sensitive Species of Scotland recommendations.

Our standard turn-around time for commercial data requests is 5 working days.

Standard rate, for the first hour of work£165 ex. VAT
Every additional half-hour, on top of standard rate+£75 ex. VAT
Expedited delivery (in 2 working days). Additional to original quote.+£75 ex. VAT
Hourly rate for a large data search (estimated to take 8+ hours)£100 ex. VAT
Late payment fee (issued at TWIC’s discretion) for invoices not paid within 30 days of issue£75 ex. VAT

The biodiversity data that we hold is at the heart of our business. The majority of this data does not belong to TWIC but we hold it and manage it on behalf of others and make it widely available for a variety of purposes and as part of our data services. We have a responsibility to handle these data carefully, by ensuring we know whose data we hold and to verify and check records before they are made available to others.

Conditions for use of data

  1. The data may not be copied to third parties, published in any form or placed on the internet without written permission from TWIC.
  2. The user is permitted to incorporate the provided data in a report as long as the following conditions are adhered to:
    • The recipient(s) of the report are stated overleaf.
    • Full acknowledgement is given in the report to TWIC.
    • The data supplied by TWIC is not amended in any way.
    • Any specific copyright or confidentiality clauses attached to the data are adhered to.
  3. The data must not be entered on any computerised database or Geographical Information System (GIS) without permission from TWIC.
  4. Permission to use the data is valid for 12 months after the data is supplied.
  5. This request does not constitute a contract until it has been approved by TWIC. This form will become a contract on receipt of an email accepting our quote and the terms and conditions listed here.

Data access restrictions

  1. Sensitive species are blurred by TWIC in order to protect them. Sensitive species are those defined by NatureScot’s Sensitive species of Scotland recommendations. These can be found at:
  2. Phase 1 Habitat data for Scottish Borders is originated and supplied by Scottish Borders Council.


  1. The data supplied are derived from TWIC’s databases which are compiled from a wide variety of sources. Although every effort is made to verify the data we hold, we cannot vouch for their authenticity. The TWIC database reflects both the geographic and taxonomic coverage of species or biological recording and this may include gaps on coverage, therefore the absence of records does not necessarily imply absence of species.
  2. TWIC accepts no liability for any indirect, consequential, or incidental damages or losses arising from the use of provided data.

Pricing & Payment

  1. The Wildlife Information Centre (TWIC) charges for its services to include two components – firstly a charge for the time and resources used in supplying data, producing reports or supplying other services and secondly a charge to contribute to the cost of collating and managing the data. TWIC’s charging policy explains the principles behind setting charges. For data requests we estimate how long the request will take us to process and provide a quote based on this. The amount of time estimated varies depending on the size of the site, the size of the buffer area and the amount and type of data requested. We charge £155 ex. VAT for the first hour of work and £70 ex. VAT for every half hour thereafter. Large data provision projects (those taking 8 hours or more) will be charged at £95 ex. VAT for each hour of work.
  2. Upon completion and delivery of the results of the data request TWIC will issue an invoice. This invoice is to be paid within 30 days of issue. Should the invoice not be paid within this time frame, TWIC reserves the right to issue a further invoice for a late payment fee. This fee will be £70 ex. VAT and is again to be paid within 30 days of issue.
We have several policies that guide this work, copies of which can be viewed upon request.
  • Data verification policy
  • Controlling access to data policy
  • Storing data policy
  • Physical security of data policy
  • Data ownership policy