You can apply for membership of TWIC by filling in the relevant form below:

Please return your completed membership form to: Payment can be made by bank transfer, standing order or cheque – please refer to the membership form for details. Please note that payment by BACS or standing order is preferred.

The membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Membership fees for the following year will be set at the AGM held as part of TWIC’s Autumn Conference.

  • Voting at the AGM on resolutions and the election of Directors
  • Six monthly TWIC e-Newsletter (a hard copy can be requested).
  • Advanced notice of TWIC events such as identification workshops with limited spaces.
  • Access to all TWIC events, such as recording excursions, conferences, etc.
  • Membership money is used to expand TWIC’s library which TWIC members are free to consult at our office.
  • Access to TWIC’s databases for personal use only (not applicable to organisation membership)
  • Access to TWIC’s list of species specialists
  • Discounted rate on any future TWIC publications