Elected 2021
Day Job: Small holder
Maurice is from a farming background and has early experience in agricultural education and advisory work, as well as practical farming. He retired in March 2020 after holding a series of senior positions in membership organisations and charities. He was Director of the, then, Scottish Landowners Federation for 9 years before moving into the charity sector as chief executive of the Royal Scottish Agricultural Benevolent Society (RSABI) and then on to the Royal Society for the Support of Women in Scotland. In each he led significant changes to organisational structure, governance, policy direction, profile and operations, as well as financial management. From 1997 until 2005 he served on the Board of Governors of the Macaulay Land Use Research Institute (now The James Hutton Institute).
Now a smallholder with gardens, pasture and woodland he enjoys “harvesting sunlight” through extensive fruit and vegetable growing as well as solar energy and battery storage.