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Date: Sunday 16th February 2025
Time: 12:00 – 15:00
Location: Newington Cemetery, EH16 5DT

Meeting Point: Inside Gate to Newington Cemetery

Book Here

Meeting Point: Red Lady memorial inside Warriston cemetery

Workshop description:
Join us for a unique, interactive workshop that highlights the surprising biodiversity thriving in urban greenspaces such as cemeteries. The session will focus on terrestrial invertebrates, particularly overwintering ladybirds, though other species will be discussed if relevant. Attendees will learn about the invertebrate groups most commonly found in cemeteries, with an emphasis on identifying ladybird species—likely to include the Orange ladybird, Two-spot, Ten-spot, and the invasive Harlequin ladybird.

Booking Essential via Eventbrite: Here

Suitable for: Beginners, ages 16 and above.

Workshop Leader: Per Smiseth is a lecturer in animal behaviour at the University of Edinburgh. His research examines the evolution and quantitative genetics of parental care, parent-offspring communication, and conflict resolution, using the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides as his primary study system. Per is also the founder of the Wildlife Cemetery Watch project, which monitors invertebrate biodiversity in UK cemeteries, focusing especially on the spread of invasive Harlequin ladybirds.

What to bring: Please wear suitable outdoor clothing and footwear (especially for this time of year, which can be cold, wet, and unpredictable). Bring a pen, notebook, and a hand-lens if you have one—some will be available to borrow on the day. As this workshop is shorter in duration, there will not be a lunch break, but feel free to bring a sandwich or snack if you prefer.

Cost: Free (Donations to TWIC are welcome and appreciated).
Booking is essential as places are limited. Choose either the free or donation ticket (minimum donation £1). Donations to TWIC help support our biological recording training workshops and events. If you’d like to donate directly to TWIC: Here

Transport: The event is accessible by car and public transport. While there is no on-site parking available at Newington Cemetery, limited street parking may be found nearby. The site is accessible by several public transport routes, including buses N16, N30, N31, N37, 24, and N29.