We are thrilled to announce that bookings for our Annual Conference and AGM 2024 are now open! This year’s conference promises to be an exciting and informative event, bringing together wildlife enthusiasts, conservationists, and experts in their field.
The event will be held on Saturday 16 November, 10:00 – 15:30 at Borders College, Galashiels, TD1 3HE.
The conference theme is “Grassland Recording and Conservation” and talks will be centred around this theme.
Anyone interested in wildlife recording and conservation in SE/Central Scotland are welcome to attend this 1-day event. Join us for an interesting programme of talks, engaging displays, and a chance to meet with like-minded individuals and find out about recording initiatives locally.
Delegates are encouraged to promote their own recording initiative during the open mic session or by providing a poster or display at the conference. If either of these are of interest, please provide details on the registration form.
Cost: £20.00 (Students £15.00). For full details, including a programme, and to book please visit Eventbrite.
There will also be a raffle, with special prizes kindly supplied by Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (RZSS) and Scottish Seabird Centre.
Special thanks to our sponsor Traquair House and for support from NatureScot.
Download a flyer for this event here.
Photo of Garden Bumblebee on Ox-Eye Daisy (c) David Palmar (www.photoscot.co.uk).