One of TWIC’s core functions is to support recorders and to promote biological recording and the understanding of our natural heritage. We want to work with all recorders to help them with their recording work, communicate priorities for recording and encourage them to pass their data onto TWIC so that we can ensure that their data are widely used.

See the page on contributing records for guidelines and basic recording sheets.

If you record or are interested in recording wildlife then we would love to hear from you. We can offer advice and support, access to some training and help with managing data and providing data to TWIC. If you would like maps or species data to help you with your recording work then do get in touch via our request data page. Requests for non-commercial purposes are not charged.

Every year we organise survey work at a number of sites and are always looking for more recorders to help. See the link to excursions to see reports of recent meetings and find out about forthcoming events. We also organise wildlife surveys, to encourage as many people as possible to get involved in recording – follow this link for more information on our current surveys.

For help with the identification of particular species groups see our recording resources page or post a photograph of what you have seen on iSpot.

One of the best ways to learn about a particular species group is to join a local group. For a list of local as well as national wildlife groups and recording schemes visit our useful links page.

Rebecca Yahr (RBGE) speaking at TWIC Conference, November 2019. Photo (c) David Palmar.


TWIC organises an annual conference to bring together individuals interested in wildlife recording and conservation from across the region. A series of talks are delivered around a conference theme and there is a chance to promote local recording initiatives through displays and open-mike sessions.


Excursions are organised across our area to provide opportunities for group recording, skills-sharing and to help generate data for under-recorded areas or sites proposed as Local Biodiversity Sites / Local Nature Conservation Sites.

Recording Dragonflies at Delph Pond in 2016. Photo courtesy of Mike Beard.
Badger (Meles meles) © Chris Sydes

Wildlife Surveys

TWIC currently runs five wildlife surveys. These surveys focus on easy to identify species that would benefit from further recording effort. These surveys are open to everyone. By submitting your sightings to TWIC you are helping us better understand the distribution of these organisms and to provide the evidence-base for their conservation.